Saturday, March 15, 2008

Jumping On The Bandwagon

Since all the knitting gurus seem to have blogger blogs, I caved in to the peer pressure and got myself one as well. To be honest, I am liking my xanga much more so far, but if you have a knitting xanga no one cares. Angst.

Anywho, since this is a KNITTING blog, I should probably start talking about my knitting. At the moment, the only project I have on the needles is a fuzzy hat that I am almost finished with. If I can get my lazy self around to casting off and seaming it up, then it will be done and I will have a nice warm hat to wear. Which would indeed be fabulous. I am also looking into making a fair isle scarf with music notes on it for the instrumental music director at my school, which the extremely generous folks at the forums have been helping me out with. This would be my first project with color work, and I am excited to get started.

I have also been dabbling in the strange and cosmic world of crochet lately. I just learned not too long ago, but I have to say that so far I find it much easier, but much more boring than knitting. I am not a big fan of crochet. It seems redundant. And yes, I can hear your little chuckles out there. "Crochet is redundant?!" you are all saying, "You're a knitter for goodness' sake!" And you may be right. Perhaps it is a chemical imbalance or gene mutation, but I do not find knitting redundant at all. Each stitch is exciting to me. Straight crocheting is not very exciting. I kind of like granny squares (but they definately need a new name.) I started a scarf-hat made out of granny squares, and it is taking me forever to finish. I refuse to work on it anywhere that is not my home, because I have to do a different color on each row, and that is simply not an easily transported project. I can't wait to have the scarf-hat to wear, but 32 granny squares is a lot. And I mean, like a gigantic amount. You don't think about it when you say, "Oh! I want a scarf-hat made of 32 granny squares!" But you will later. Oh, will you think about it later.

Anywho, it is getting awfully late, and I must be off to do something that hopefully involves unconsciousness.


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