Friday, June 13, 2008

yarnettes ftw.

Today was the meeting for the knitting group I go to when there's no school. And, as it's summer, there's no school, so I got to go. There were a lot of people there today, a pretty big crowd, and it was so fun. I don't talk much, just because it's so interesting to sit and listen to what everyone else has to say. They talk about everything - how to smuggle needles passed the TSA, yarn (of course), and basically anything you can think of. And, honestly, it totally jam packed my brain with knitting. Later, when I was talking to my mom I kept substituting words like "librarian" with "knitter."

I love knitting.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

your group sounds like so much fun. aw, I wish I had a local knitting group but alas I'm forced to socialize with knitters online.